A Taste of Honey, a Swallow of Brine
Producer: David F. Friedman
Director: Byron Mabe, ( aka B. Ron Elliot )
Do you remember Plato’s Allegory about the cave? He was describing his version of how reality worked. Basically, all things in the world are the indirect expression (like a shadow) of the most perfect possible form of that thing. The cell phone you are holding is a temporary and flawed version of the most perfect cell phone ever, which exists only in the Most Perfect Ever Realm, which does not exist in physical form.
When it comes to the tease, our girl Sharon, the lead character in A Smell of Honey. A Swallow of Brine is the Most Perfect Ever Tease, from which all other teases exist but as temporary and shadowy substitutes. Plato would be pleased.
The Schadenfreuden Scale would like to applaud the makers of this movie as a textbook example of what we like to call, JUST PLAIN WRONG! Though set up as a morality tale about how leading a man on is socially undesirable and can lead to bad things, the extreme character of Sharon, plunges this tale into a sensational lurid myth that does nothing but exploit a pervasive problem in society; male on female violence. And if someone is being exploited, we approve heartily! These are exploitation movies, for Christ’s sake! Whattya want for nothing? A rubber biscuit?
This is not a Schadenfreuden movie for everyone. Though only four boobs are presented, they are presented often. And the lustier quality of certain scenes are indeed the early seeds of legal pornographic movies. We recommend this as a couple’s flick. Try making out when Sharon and her teasee’s do! These scenes eat a lot of film, and you can tease each other in the privacy of your own movie house! Frustration is fun!
But there is much to offer outside the nudies, of which Miss Stacy Walker is a knockout as Sharon in the best of 60’s fashion, style and pizzazz. Though one mention must go to the most unattractive shot of a breast we have ever seen. More shocking in that all the other shots of Miss Walker do her, and God, much credit. You’ll know it when you see it. To finish out the subject, there is a healthy amount of lingerie, no vaginas, no penis’, lots of boobs and lady butt and one brief man butt. The retro clothing styles were limited and the Schadenfreuden ladies wished for more shoes.
There a total of five teasee’s in our tale, and Sharon tears ‘em apart with the passion and stress of a bra on a Russ Meyer movie set. The acting is well, bad. Pretty bad. And that goes for every actor on the set. But I have a strong belief that the actors would not mind so much hearing that. For indeed, acting is not the point of this film! Miss Walker does her job just fine, and the men don’t really need to act much with her dancing naked at them. Besides, there is montage aplenty! We have a ‘rape trial montage’ with the credits! We have ‘new guy in life Montage’! We have three, COUNT THEM, THREE!, separate ‘frustrated sex fever dream montages’ connected directly with a ‘frustrated sex daydream montage’ at the workplace! Amazingly bad and totally exploitive! All Schadenfreuden glory to senor Freidman!
Some fun bits to watch for are the fabulous observations Sharon makes about her being raped (she wasn’t), the Ringo poster on the wall at Tony’s concert, what Sharon can do with a Coke bottle during that same concert, and through-out the sweaty teased and the haughty Sharon will either piss you off or delight you with her evil ways!
There is a little torture in the dream sequence, and the ending is not for the squeamish. And it is not what it presents, it is how the scene is shot, and what parts of the violent act are shown. You be the judge. And we hope you are saddened by the judgment. For we are The Schadenfreuden Conclave, and your sadness delights us.
Some fun stuff particular to this flick are:
Miss Walker’s use of the word ‘bitch’
Tony’s ironic song, listen close to the words. Yikes!
What happens to the forth teasee, beware!
Classsic bad movie elements contained in this Flick
Bad acting. Oh, so bad.
Excessive montages
Undressing scenes taking an inordinately long time.
A BDSM movie disguised as a morality tale. (Yes, they are common)
THE DRINKING GAME FOR “A Taste of Honey, a swallow of Brine”
The word ‘bitch’ or ‘butch’ is uttered.
When Sharon’s hair sticks up like an alien from Babylon 5
Granny Panties!
When Sharon is behind her typewriter
Sharon says finally No! to each of her suitors.
Tony sings!
Boobs in a mirror!
The real adventure in gender-role politics is to juxtapose Jodi Foster’s The Accused to A Taste of Honey, A Swallow of Brine. The collage of emotions that the two lead characters present, encapture a separate ethos of sexuality, or indeed separate pathology as brought on by the confusion of the Stripper/Nun Syndrome of Modern Suburban morality. Sexual Repression, inter-social violence, class consciousness and the nature of the supposed sex drive are all indicted in the utterance of Sharon in Taste of Honey: “I’ve been raped once this season, I’ll try not to let it happen again.”
Elements: 6 (out of 10 )
Titillation: 4 ( out of 5)
Wrongness: 4 (out of 5)
Style & Funness: 2 (out of five)
Extra points: 3 (out of five)
TOTAL: 19 ( out of 30 )
Every little bit helps us hurt you!

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