Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Will and Ariel Durant Tell it Like it Is!

FROM "The Age of Faith" by Will and Ariel Durant.

“A religion is, among other things, a mode of moral government. The historian does not ask if a Theology is true-through what omniscience might he judge? Rather he inquires what social and psychological combined to produce the religion; how well it accomplished the purpose of turning beasts into men, savages into citizens, and empty hearts into hopeful courage and minds at peace; how much freedom it still left to the mental development of mankind; and what was its influence in history.”

“Civilization is a union of soil and soul – the resources of the Earth transformed by the desire and discipline of men.”

“All religions are superstitions to other faiths.”

“Institutions and beliefs are the offspring of human needs , and understanding must be in terms of these necessities.”

I've been reading the Durants for about fifteen years now, and their observations on mankind and it's habits have blown me away. I am still processing some of the things they have shown me. Please let me know if these have any meaning for you, or if they ring false to you and your experience.


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